ASV Table 42

Version 4 (Current version)
File Tab_S2_Lysis_OTUs_16_256_v5_clean_OTUs_3.xlsx
Data sheet clean OTUs
Uploaded at 2022-10-17 23:20:54
Original file Tab_S2_Lysis_OTUs_16_256_v5_clean_OTUs.xlsx
Last changes Taxon assignment
Project Pooling Malaise trap fractions
Table authors Vasco Elbrecht
Sarah J. Bourlat
Thomas Hörren
Angie Lindner
Adriana Mordente
Niklas W. Noll
Livia Schäffler
Martin Sorg
Vera M. A. Zizka
Publications Elbrecht V, Bourlat SJ, Hörren T, Lindner A, Mordente A, Noll NW, Schäffler L, Sorg M, Zizka VMA. 2021. Pooling size sorted Malaise trap fractions to maximize taxon recovery with metabarcoding. PeerJ 9:e12177
License Creative Commons Attribution License
© 2021 Elbrecht et al.
Status published
Submission 50

Pages: .. Order by Results per page:
ASV Sequence Taxon (Reference database) Forward Primer Reverse Primer
Andrena flavipes (GBOL)
Andrena flavipes (BOLD)
Andrena flavipes (BOLD)
Andrenidae (GBOL)
Andrenidae (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Stigmella plagicolella (GBOL)
Stigmella plagicolella (BOLD)
Stigmella plagicolella (GBOL)
Stigmella plagicolella (GBOL)
Stigmella plagicolella (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Anacharis eucharoides (GBOL)
Anacharis eucharoides (BOLD)
Anacharis eucharoides (GBOL)
Anacharis eucharoides (GBOL)
Anacharis eucharoides (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Dasyopa (GBOL)
Dasyopa triangulata (BOLD)
Dasyopa (GBOL)
Dasyopa (GBOL)
Dasyopa triangulata (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Coenosia agromyzina (GBOL)
Coenosia agromyzina (BOLD)
Coenosia agromyzina (GBOL)
Coenosia agromyzina (GBOL)
Coenosia agromyzina (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Cecidomyiidae (GBOL)
Cecidomyiidae (GBOL)
Cecidomyiidae (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Chaetopodella scutellaris (GBOL)
Chaetopodella scutellaris (BOLD)
Chaetopodella scutellaris (GBOL)
Chaetopodella scutellaris (GBOL)
Chaetopodella scutellaris (BOLD)
Chaetopodella scutellaris (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Medetera infumata (GBOL)
Medetera infumata (BOLD)
Medetera infumata (GBOL)
Medetera infumata (GBOL)
Medetera infumata (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Oscinellinae (GBOL)
Oscinellinae (GBOL)
Oscinellinae (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Sciaridae (GBOL)
Sciaridae (GBOL)
Sciaridae (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Halidamia affinis (GBOL)
Halidamia affinis (BOLD)
Halidamia affinis (GBOL)
Halidamia affinis (GBOL)
Halidamia affinis (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Loensia fasciata (GBOL)
Loensia fasciata (BOLD)
Loensia fasciata (GBOL)
Loensia fasciata (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Cecidomyiidae (GBOL)
CecidInt9 sp. BOLD:AAP6851 (BOLD)
Cecidomyiidae (GBOL)
Cecidomyiidae (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Chyliza vittata (BOLD)
Chyliza vittata (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Anthophila fabriciana (GBOL)
Anthophila fabriciana (BOLD)
Anthophila fabriciana (GBOL)
Anthophila fabriciana (GBOL)
Anthophila fabriciania (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Aritranis director (GBOL)
Aritranis sp. 1 BFS-2018 (BOLD)
Aritranis director (GBOL)
Aritranis director (GBOL)
Aritranis sp. 1 BFS-2018 (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Cicadellidae (GBOL)
Zygina ordinaria (BOLD)
Cicadellidae (GBOL)
Cicadellidae (GBOL)
Zygina ordinaria (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Heteromyza rotundicornis (BOLD)
Heteromyza rotundicornis (GBOL)
Heteromyza rotundicornis (GBOL)
Heteromyza rotundicornis (GBOL)
Heteromyza rotundicornis (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Scatopsciara (GBOL)
Scatopsciara vitripennis (BOLD)
Scatopsciara (GBOL)
Scatopsciara (GBOL)
Scatopsciara vitripennis (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Cecidomyiidae (GBOL)
Cecidomyiidae (GBOL)
Cecidomyiidae (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Liriomyza (GBOL)
Liriomyza (GBOL)
Liriomyza (GBOL)
Liriomyza pusilla (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Triphleba nudipalpis (GBOL)
Triphleba nudipalpis (BOLD)
Triphleba nudipalpis (GBOL)
Triphleba nudipalpis (GBOL)
Triphleba nudipalpis (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Oscinellinae (GBOL)
Oscinellinae (GBOL)
Oscinellinae (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Medetera jacula (BOLD)
Medetera jacula (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Cixius nervosus (GBOL)
Cixius sp. MW-2016 (BOLD)
Cixius nervosus (GBOL)
Cixius nervosus (GBOL)
Cixius sp. MW-2016 (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Chalarus spurius (GBOL)
Chalarus spurius (BOLD)
Chalarus spurius (GBOL)
Chalarus spurius (GBOL)
Chalarus spurius (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Chlorops hypostigma (GBOL)
Chlorops hypostigma (BOLD)
Chlorops hypostigma (GBOL)
Chlorops hypostigma (GBOL)
Chlorops hypostigma (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Eupteryx aurata (GBOL)
Eupteryx aurata (BOLD)
Eupteryx aurata (GBOL)
Eupteryx aurata (GBOL)
Eupteryx aurata (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Fannia (GBOL)
Fannia serena (BOLD)
Fannia (GBOL)
Fannia (GBOL)
Fannia aff. subsimilis (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Cacopsylla affinis (GBOL)
Cacopsylla affinis (BOLD)
Cacopsylla affinis (GBOL)
Cacopsylla affinis (GBOL)
Cacopsylla affinis (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Armadillidium vulgare (GBOL)
Armadillidium vulgare (BOLD)
Armadillidium vulgare (GBOL)
Armadillidium vulgare (GBOL)
Armadillidium vulgare (BOLD)
Armadillidium vulgare (NCBI Arthropoda COI)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Platypalpus (GBOL)
Platypalpus (GBOL)
Platypalpus (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Cratichneumon culex (BOLD)
Cratichneumon culex (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Formica subaenescens (BOLD)
Formica argentea (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Balcanocerus larvatus (GBOL)
Balcanocerus larvatus (BOLD)
Balcanocerus larvatus (GBOL)
Balcanocerus larvatus (GBOL)
Balcanocerus larvatus (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Ochromolopis ictella (GBOL)
Ochromolopis ictella (BOLD)
Ochromolopis ictella (GBOL)
Ochromolopis ictella (GBOL)
Ochromolopis ictella (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Coenosia testacea (BOLD)
Coenosia testacea (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Pipunculus campestris (GBOL)
Pipunculus campestris (BOLD)
Pipunculus campestris (GBOL)
Pipunculus campestris (GBOL)
Pipunculus campestris (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Notocelia incarnatana (GBOL)
Notocelia incarnatana (BOLD)
Notocelia incarnatana (GBOL)
Notocelia incarnatana (GBOL)
Notocelia incarnatana (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Microphor holosericeus (GBOL)
Microphor holosericeus (BOLD)
Microphor holosericeus (GBOL)
Microphor holosericeus (GBOL)
Microphor holosericeus (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Phoridae (GBOL)
Phoridae (GBOL)
Phoridae (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Cucullia umbratica (GBOL)
Cucullia umbratica (BOLD)
Cucullia umbratica (GBOL)
Cucullia umbratica (GBOL)
Cucullia umbratica (BOLD)
Cucullia umbratica (NCBI Arthropoda COI)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Leiophron pallidistigma (GBOL)
Leiophron pallidistigma (BOLD)
Leiophron pallidistigma (GBOL)
Leiophron pallidistigma (GBOL)
Leiophron pallidistigma (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Sicus ferrugineus (GBOL)
Sicus ferrugineus (BOLD)
Sicus ferrugineus (GBOL)
Sicus ferrugineus (GBOL)
Sicus ferrugineus (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Pteromalidae (GBOL)
Pteromalus albipennis-group (BOLD)
Pteromalidae (GBOL)
Pteromalidae (GBOL)
Pteromalus albipennis-group (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Leptosciarella subpilosa (GBOL)
Leptosciarella subpilosa (BOLD)
Leptosciarella subpilosa (GBOL)
Leptosciarella subpilosa (GBOL)
Leptosciarella subpilosa (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Ectopsocus briggsi (GBOL)
Ectopsocus briggsi (BOLD)
Ectopsocus briggsi (GBOL)
Ectopsocus briggsi (GBOL)
Ectopsocus briggsi (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Exochus semilividus (GBOL)
Exochus pictus (BOLD)
Exochus semilividus (GBOL)
Exochus semilividus (GBOL)
Exochus pictus (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Phyllobius betulinus (GBOL)
Phyllobius betulinus (GBOL)
Phyllobius betulinus (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Depressaria olerella (GBOL)
Depressaria olerella (BOLD)
Depressaria olerella (GBOL)
Depressaria olerella (GBOL)
Depressaria olerella (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Alloxysta (GBOL)
Alloxysta ramulifera (BOLD)
Alloxysta ramulifera (BOLD)
Alloxysta ramulifera (GBOL)
Alloxysta ramulifera (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Ichneumonidae (GBOL)
Ichneumonidae (GBOL)
Ichneumonidae (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Ophiomyia (GBOL)
Ophiomyia (GBOL)
Ophiomyia (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Edwardsiana crataegi (GBOL)
Edwardsiana crataegi (GBOL)
Edwardsiana crataegi (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Anevrina urbana (GBOL)
Anevrina urbana (BOLD)
Anevrina urbana (GBOL)
Anevrina urbana (GBOL)
Anevrina urbana (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Cerodontha denticornis (GBOL)
Cerodontha denticornis (BOLD)
Cerodontha denticornis (GBOL)
Cerodontha denticornis (GBOL)
Cerodontha denticornis (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Anaglyptus mysticus (GBOL)
Anaglyptus mysticus (BOLD)
Anaglyptus mysticus (GBOL)
Anaglyptus mysticus (GBOL)
Anaglyptus mysticus (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Hoplodrina octogenaria (GBOL)
Hoplodrina octogenaria (BOLD)
Hoplodrina octogenaria (GBOL)
Hoplodrina octogenaria (GBOL)
Hoplodrina octogenaria (BOLD)
Hoplodrina octogenaria (NCBI Arthropoda COI)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Xestia c-nigrum (GBOL)
Xestia c-nigrum (BOLD)
Xestia c-nigrum (GBOL)
Xestia c-nigrum (GBOL)
Xestia c-nigrum (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Wesmaelius nervosus (GBOL)
Wesmaelius nervosus (BOLD)
Wesmaelius nervosus (GBOL)
Wesmaelius nervosus (GBOL)
Wesmaelius nervosus (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Helictes erythrostoma (GBOL)
Helictes erythrostoma (BOLD)
Helictes erythrostoma (GBOL)
Helictes erythrostoma (GBOL)
Helictes erythrostoma (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Aphidius (GBOL)
Aphidius rhopalosiphi (BOLD)
Aphidius (GBOL)
Aphidius (GBOL)
Aphidius rhopalosiphi (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Theroscopus pedestris (GBOL)
Theroscopus pedestris (BOLD)
Theroscopus pedestris (GBOL)
Theroscopus pedestris (GBOL)
Theroscopus pedestris (BOLD)
Theroscopus pedestris (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Bombylius venosus (GBOL)
Bombylius venosus (BOLD)
Bombylius venosus (GBOL)
Bombylius venosus (GBOL)
Bombylius venosus (BOLD)
Bombylius venosus (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Delina nigrita (GBOL)
ScathIntGen2 sp. BOLD:AAL7515 (BOLD)
Delina nigrita (GBOL)
Delina nigrita (GBOL)
Delina nigrita (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Cecidomyiidae (GBOL)
Cecidomyiidae (GBOL)
Cecidomyiidae (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Trichosia lengersdorfi (GBOL)
Trichosia lengersdorfi (BOLD)
Trichosia lengersdorfi (GBOL)
Trichosia lengersdorfi (GBOL)
Trichosia lengersdorfi (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Rhagonycha lignosa (GBOL)
Rhagonycha lignosa (BOLD)
Rhagonycha lignosa (GBOL)
Rhagonycha lignosa (GBOL)
Rhagonycha lignosa (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Megalopelma nigroclavatum (GBOL)
Megalopelma nigroclavatum (BOLD)
Megalopelma nigroclavatum (GBOL)
Megalopelma nigroclavatum (GBOL)
Megalopelma nigroclavatum (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Arge berberidis (GBOL)
Arge berberidis (BOLD)
Arge berberidis (GBOL)
Arge berberidis (GBOL)
Arge berberidis (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Pardosa lugubris (GBOL)
Pardosa alacris (BOLD)
Pardosa lugubris (GBOL)
Pardosa lugubris (GBOL)
Pardosa alacris (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Diplonevra funebris (BOLD)
Diplonevra funebris (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Peristenus (GBOL)
Peristenus sp. Euph020_Peristenus_SWE (BOLD)
Peristenus (GBOL)
Peristenus (GBOL)
Peristenus sp. Euph020_Peristenus_SWE (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Lucilia richardsi (GBOL)
Lucilia richardsi (BOLD)
Lucilia richardsi (GBOL)
Lucilia richardsi (GBOL)
Lucilia richardsi (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Leptosciarella trochanterata (GBOL)
Leptosciarella trochanterata (BOLD)
Leptosciarella trochanterata (GBOL)
Leptosciarella trochanterata (GBOL)
Leptosciarella trochanterata (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Psychodidae (GBOL)
Psychodidae (GBOL)
Psychodidae (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Eurytomidae (GBOL)
Wolbachia sp. (BOLD)
Eurytomidae (GBOL)
Eurytomidae (GBOL)
Wolbachia sp. (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Bellardia vulgaris (GBOL)
Bellardia vulgaris (BOLD)
Bellardia vulgaris (GBOL)
Bellardia vulgaris (GBOL)
Bellardia vulgaris (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Pycnota paradoxa (GBOL)
Pycnota paradoxa (GBOL)
Pycnota paradoxa (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Phyto melanocephala (GBOL)
Phyto melanocephala (BOLD)
Phyto melanocephala (GBOL)
Phyto melanocephala (GBOL)
Phyto melanocephala (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Scaeva pyrastri (GBOL)
Scaeva pyrastri (BOLD)
Scaeva pyrastri (GBOL)
Scaeva pyrastri (GBOL)
Scaeva pyrastri (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Phytocoris varipes (GBOL)
Phytocoris varipes (BOLD)
Phytocoris varipes (GBOL)
Phytocoris varipes (GBOL)
Phytocoris varipes (BOLD)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Chloropidae (GBOL)
Chloropidae (GBOL)
Chloropidae (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
Oxypoda formiceticola (GBOL)
Oxypoda formiceticola (GBOL)
Oxypoda formiceticola (GBOL)
fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev