One nucleotide sequence for identification using the FASTA format. Note that the entire sequence will be searched for and only an exact match over the entire length will yield a hit.
Found ASV Tables:
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ASV-Table Show on map Sheet name Upload date Last taxon annotation Project Status DOI Change from previous version File name Uploaded by Forward primer Reverse primer
Tab_S2_Lysis_OTUs_16_256_v5_clean_OTUs.xlsx, 42, 4 clean OTUs 2022-10-17 23:20:54 2023-09-01 Pooling Malaise trap fractions published Taxon assignment Tab_S2_Lysis_OTUs_16_256_v5_clean_OTUs_3.xlsx Björn Quast fwhF2 Fol-degen-rev
gen-2018-0048supplf.csv, 57, 2 2022-10-26 11:46:32 DNA metabarcoding from sample fixative published 10.20363/a48q-wb85 Assigned ASV IDs to initial upload gen-2018-0048supplf_7.csv Björn Quast BF2 BR2
edn3177-sup-0002-datas1_edited.xlsx, 59, 2 All102Samples_Site54_BF2BR2_raw 2022-10-28 11:09:20 Improved freshwater macroinvertebrate detection published 10.20363/m3w9-6m67 Assigned ASV IDs to initial upload edn3177-sup-0002-datas1_edited_1.xlsx Björn Quast BF2 BR2
Danish_Reefs_eDNA_gen_COI.xlsx, 78, 3 COI_genetic_withFish_PeterS 2022-11-09 13:53:42 2024-05-06 Biodiversity Hotspots in Danish Marine Waters published 10.20363/qg0w-6x84 Taxon assignment Danish_Reefs_eDNA_gen_COI_2.xlsx Björn Quast
gen-2018-0048suppli.csv, 120, 1 2023-04-20 08:13:54 DNA metabarcoding from sample fixative published 10.20363/236v-6086 Initial upload, GBOL ASV IDs assigned gen-2018-0048suppli_120_1.csv Björn Quast BF2 BR2
mee312789-sup-0013-tables4.xlsx, 121, 1 Finnland_OTU_data 2023-05-09 19:39:42 Assessing strengths and weaknesses of metabarcoding for stream monitoring published 10.20363/p7a0-7457 Initial upload, GBOL ASV IDs assigned mee312789-sup-0013-tables4_121_1.xlsx Björn Quast